Friday, November 4, 2011

The Two Bratty Sons

This week at MSM we talked about the story of the two bratty sons (aka the prodigal son). We probably should have called them the Two Greedy Sons, but they were brats too, so it fits. We'd all heard the story before but it was interesting to explore the significant impact the younger sons request for his inheritance would have had on his family. He was basically saying that he wished his Dad was already dead and wanted "his" money now. Ouch! What a thing to say!

We also talked about the bratty older brother who couldn't understand why his Dad would take the younger brother back. He thought he was doing everything right by working hard for his Dad, but he was selfish too, just in a different way.

The Lock-In was a huge success! We had a great time. We played hard and then afterward slept hard. A live band came and led a time of worship for us which was loud and fun. Then we used mousetraps (scary!) to talk about what voices influences and how we know who to listen to. After that we played video games, hiding games, and run around games all night/morning long. Everyone was respectful of each other and our church which was awesome. They even requested that we have another Lock-In next month, but us adults are going to need several months of rest before we do it again.

Stay Tuned...
-  for information about an upcoming New Horizon's Scarf, Hat, and Glove drive. Details coming soon.
- Youth Snow Inner tubing Event in December. Date and Time to be determined.
- February Youth Retreat! Mark your calendars for the Youth Winter Retreat to Miracle Ranch Feb. 3-5 details coming soon.
Grayson, Louis, and Alex!

Noel, Allayna, Da'Zor, and Heiwon!

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